
Advantages of PB-NK Cells
Flowchart of NK cell production:Allo-NK Cells stride over the major hurtle of immune cell production
Advantages of PB-NK Cells
Comparison of different resources of allo-NK cells:PB-NK cells are most effective
  • Autologous Blood-derived NK cells:

    hard collection since patients’ status sometimes and weak anti-tumor efficacy since suppression by tumor burden.

  • Donor Blood-derived NK cells:

    NK cells undergoing complete in vivo development and functional maturation and extensive donor/recipient pairing; potent anti-tumor efficacy; suitable for “off-the-shelf” production.

  • iPSC-derived NK cells:

    homogeneity and easier genetic manipulation and “off-the-shelf” production; immature functionality (lack of entire NK receptor array such as without CD16, KIR and donor/recipient pairing); potential of malignant transformation.

  • Cord blood-derived NK cells:

    higher in-vivo proliferation, high NK cell concentration (15–30%); immature NK cells with lower cytotoxicity.


  • NK 92 Cell line:

    derived from a patient with NK lymphoma; need for irradiation before infusion; limited in vivo activity; safety concern due to tumorigenicity.

Manufacturing comparison of different resources of allo-NK cells:Easier Production
Manufacturing comparison of different resources of allo-NK cells:Easier Production
Functional comparison of different resources of allo-NK cells:Donor PB-NK with Entire Functionality only after Complete Development in Human Body
Functional comparison of different resources of allo-NK cells:Donor PB-NK with Entire Functionality only after Complete Development in Human Body
Phenotype PB-NK iPSC-NK
KIRs/NKRs(Recognizing tumor) + + + + +
CD16 (ADCC effect) + + + + +
CD62L(Immigration to tumor sites) + + + + +
History of NK CellTech Investigator Using Allo-NK Cells in Adoptive Cellular Immunotherapy with 30 years’ experience
  • “The therapeutic efficacy of allogeneic blood-derived NK cells in 38 patients with advanced solid tumor” reported at 1994 in a Chinese journal (official journal of China Anti-Cancer Association)
    “The therapeutic efficacy of allogeneic blood-derived NK cells in 38 patients with advanced solid tumor” reported at 1994 in a Chinese journal (official journal of China Anti-Cancer Association)
  • After observation of clinical efficacy of allo-NK cells in treating solid  tumor in mainland China, Dr.Tian moved to National Cancer Institute (NCI) to further confirm this in animal model which published at 1998.
    After observation of clinical efficacy of allo-NK cells in treating solid tumor in mainland China, Dr.Tian moved to National Cancer Institute (NCI) to further confirm this in animal model which published at 1998.
CAR-NK VS. CAR-T:much safer with no MHC restriction and improved efficacy
  • Limitations of CAR-T cell Therapy
    • Mostly autologous cells

    • High cost in manufacturing

    • Potential toxicity (CRS and neurotoxicity)

    • must be hospitalized with ICU support

    Limitations of CAR-T cell Therapy
  • Advantages of CAR-NK cell Therapy
    • A variety of allogeneic cell sources

    • Low cost in manufacturing

    • Without hospitalization owing to the lack of CRS and/or neurotoxicity

    • off-the-shelf’ products for multiple outpatients

    Advantages of CAR-NK cell Therapy

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